
THE GENESYS PROJECT- The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming

Created by Gary Krieger- Genesys Games

Create your factions in any Age or play a campaign through them all advancing from one age to the next. The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming brings your three ages of gameplay with one Core Rulebook for all ages. The Genesys Project Core Rules The Birth of Genesys- 1st Age: Fantasy Medieval The Revelations of Genesys- 2nd Age: Modern Apocalyptic The Exodus of Genesys- 3rd Age: Far Distant Future Order now to get Kickstarter pricing through Backerkit Learn More at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Approaching our First Stretch Goal + 3rd Age Fey Preview
over 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 03, 2020 at 10:30:04 PM

First Stretch Goal is only a short bit away and I wanted to share with you some of the exciting things we will be seeing in Exodus of Genesys The 3rd Age.

Spread the word and lets hit those goals.

As you would expect in a game like this new weapon types, energy weapons, mech walkers, new vehicles and so much more are coming to the 3rd Age. This is but the tip of the Iceberg as many of you with the First Age in hand. 

I am going to skip ahead a little and jump right into a Fey preview, and a couple of the new Spheres found in Exodus. 

Wars from the previous age have weighed heavily upon the Fey, often blurring the lines of their chosen path and opening up Congruent Spheres. These Spheres of Influence allow classes and/or factions  to literally change their Path during from games using progression. This does not mean they lose previous traits but instead become part of their new path opening up new trait options for them.

Here is an example of new three new Spheres of Influence.

  • Absolution (Light)
  • Vengeance (Twilight)
  • Retribution (Darkness)

Having a trait in any of these three spheres gives you the option to take traits from the other two.

Preview- Trait from the Sphere of Absolution

Martyrdom X: If any model or models with the ability Martyrdom are removed from the table after being killed, during your next player turn gain X Command Value. If a model killed is a Level 3 class or higher, you may also apply Martyrdom X to Challenging the Initiative in the next game round.

Particle Lances

Technology also appears in new ways among the Fey. This technology is focused and powered by the energy of the fey. Particle Lances of various types and shapes form the weapons of the Fey dependent upon the Sphere of Influence they are most focused in. There are Particle Lances of Destruction, Pain, Protection, Justice, and more.


Many Fey as a result of the wars in Revelations no exist in the material world. They are the Outcasts. This gives them unique access to new traits abilities found in other domains. In this way you can get access to Classes from other Domains even taking new Vehicle or Monster Classes.

 We will be talking about the other Domains in the 3rd Age over the next few days. 

We are Funded and are off to the races!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 08:04:27 PM

We are now funded! A huge thank you to everyone supporting us this far in!

We are half way through the campaign and now the real fun starts! We are going to be revealing some additional stretch goals which will be a ton of fun. Im certain everyone likes getting additional content, so that is where we will start! Stretch goals will include some for everyone, Epoch, Eternity, and Infinite Pledge Levels.

Expect to hear more from us shortly! 

Very Close to Funding and a Brief Game Demo Video! Biest Preview in the 2nd Age
over 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 08:58:17 AM

Heavy Transports Carrying Multiple squads

We are getting close to funding being around 10% to go! Help spread the word and look forward to us jumping through to the stretch goals! I know with just a little bit of a push we will be breaking the mark needed to reach our goals.

We are currently doing rounds of Podcasts to spread the word and will be talking more on those (with links) as some of them go live. 

Sniper Rifle Teams are quite deadly


We have a new gameplay demo that just went live on our Youtube page. There were some camera issues and it does get a little fuzzy, but it will give you a good idea of how to work with with player turns, activations, the Combat Situation, Reactionary Activations, and more. Both of these armies are the same we used recently in a playtesting session to work with Tanks, APC Transports, Cannons, and Automatic Weapons. So there was not a lot of melee squads, powers, flyers, or other types of factions in this mix.

The final rounds of the game, (not shown in the video) were a single elite melee robot fighting through two squads of of men and tearing them to shreds. The Robotic Army did eventually win this game in the Game Round 7 (an End Game push to secure his primary objective)).

The End Game: A normal game lasts to 6 Game Rounds. However if you are in position to get your objective and just thinking I need one more round and I could get it, you may attempt to take the game into the "End Game". You must roll your highest surviving Command Characteristic + d6 to equal or beat the game round you are wishing to go into. 

In this case it was a Command of 3 +d6 ≥ 7 (the Game Round)


The biests are divided into Kingdoms and have Regional Traits. These are expanded upon in the 2nd Age, but where the Biests excel at is in the wide variety of options they have in future ages. 

Physically Superior

As they are in the 1st Age, no one gets physical characteristic increases the way Biests do.  This translates to level 2 and 3 Classes being very tough to deal with. While they are geared towards taking hits and delivering them in melee combat, they are also amazing infiltrators, with flyers and tunnellers all in the mix. 

Biest Vehicles

Biests get a solid array of vehicles and introduce some new specialties into the mix when it comes to throwing some armored plates, spikes, a battering ram, and even loading their vehicles out with as many weapons as possible. Biests bring a new flavor to their own Vehicle Classes, but have a lack of Military Tanks. If you like ramming into your opponent, jumping out and hacking them all to bits....... the Biests are right up your alley. 

Monster Classes

While Biests can make their whole domain into monsters, Biests in the 2nd Age get a series of Classes that are dedicated to Monsters. These monsters will take on the tanks of humanoids, rip apart the masses of soldiers before them. 

The Weapons of the Biests

While Biests can specialize in natural weaponry, they also have a their over version of modern firearms, machine guns and cannons. Melee Weapons are also a specialty with greater access to customization than ever before to do additional damage to kill your opponents face to face. 

The Biest playtesters are among the most rowdy of the bunch and I think that has to do with their overly aggressive playstyle (both the Biest Domain and the Players). 

The Genesys Project Updates- The End Game, Reptilia, and More
over 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 12:11:10 PM

We are 5 days in and doing quite well and close to being funded. In making that push we are in the latest Kickstarter weekly Bulletin under Miniature Games on page 18, and are working to get notice on many other sites to spread the word.

It's time for a call to action to help push us over the funding level so that we can start working towards our stretch goals. Spread the word and excitement for both new ages of the game.

Have a site that is sharing our Kickstarter Event? Let us know! 

Kickstarter Bulletin

  • It's a free magazine which lists Live & Upcoming Projects for the week ahead.
  • Published every Tuesday to the website:


Faction of Robots vs a Humanoid faction.

I also want to make note that we are working on a game demo video that we planned on releasing yesterday, but due to some file inconsistencies (and a large flood here at the office) that video will come later this week. The game was completed on Sunday and whoa was it a close one. Nothing like coming down to the last die rolls of the 6th round! We wont spoil it for you.... but attempts were made to continue the game into what we call the End Game- Round 7.

The End Game

In the Genesys Project when it comes to close games, either player can extend a game past the 6 normal game rounds by rolling your highest command still alive on the table + die roll to equal to equal or beat Game Round you want to extend the game into.

Command + d6  Game Round you want to push the game into.

Failing means the game ends


We also want to jump in and share the excitement that is the Reptilia and for the 2nd Age found within the Revelations of Genesys.

The Reptilia in the 2nd Age gain new classes that includes a Gargantuan Level 6 Class that includes a new size category to create some of the biggest monstrosities of the game. Massive Dragons, Kaiju, and other creatures of legend become available with new traits and class options.

Proto-Reptilia are Classes Levels 1-3 that take the ancient Devolutionary Branches further from the primary Lineages of the Reptilia with a solid blend of Monster and Reptilia traits.

Reptilia now have Ancient Bloodlines increasing the strength and power of the bloodlines of the previous age within the domain, and Ancestral Traits which were once restricted to levels 4+ are now accessible to Levels 3+.

Reptilia have a very unique Domain which can expand their access of Humanoid, Fey, Insekt and Monster options depending upon your Lineage, even allowing some to expand to taking another Domain's Classes as their own. This gives you a lot of flexibility on which direction your faction is going in the 2nd Age.

Want to play a more humanoid style Reptilia faction with vehicles and weapons? a more monster oriented faction? one delving into the powers of the Fey, or even becoming an Insekt Hybrid style faction. The Lineages of the Reptilia will take you into new directions and offer a wide variety of factions all within one Domain.

Next we will jump ahead into the Biests who have their own unique outlook on weapon development and uses for monsters.

Are You a God? A Look at the Humanoids and Fey in the 2nd Age
over 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 06:49:30 PM

Are You a God? A Look at the Humanoids and Fey in the 2nd Age

I thought it was time to delve into the 2nd Age of The Genesys Project to get an idea of what lies in front of you for that age broken down by the domains. All the domains will be getting new classes, new traits, and new options dedicated to the Modern/ Apocalyptic  Age. Later we can delve into more specifics of each.

Join us for the Revelations and Exodus of Genesys Kickstarter event going on now. Learn more here

There are 5 Domains of Life; Humanoid, Fey, Reptilia, Biest, and Insekt.

Lets start off with Humanoids and the Fey for the 2nd Age, The Revelations of Genesys

If you are new to the game, please see the domain graphics on the campaign to get a base for what these two domains include.

The Second Age of The Genesys Project is one of moving extremes and constant war. Where it was common to have Factions with traits from Mixed Domains, the wars of this age driven each domain to advance to in new directions pulling the Domains further apart from each other. New classes are available for all the Domains of Life and old traits often given something new as we progress into the 2nd Age.

The Humanoids:

     Political upheaval and conflict drive the Humanoids in the 2nd Age to war with new weapons of war and and vehicles. This is a time of technological advancements with modern firearms, advancements in new personal armor, and tanks that can stride openly onto the battlefield.

     Leader Classes now carry with them political influence to gain access new bonuses that you will be given access to for no additional point costs. This gives you faction-wide bonuses and new battleplans for the game!

     New Weapons include assault rifles, machine guns, cannons, and a whole new slew of weaponry that can be customized to take on the biggest bad guys on the table. While ranged weapons often feel like the biggest part of the Humanoids advancement to the 2nd Age, they also get access to Martial Weapons to get additional bonuses in melee combat.

     A wide variety of vehicle classes are available that include standard vehicles classes, but also Military Vehicle classes. These range in Levels but offer everything from armored cars, mad max armored trucks, to military vehicles and tanks.

     Humanoids do not gain much in the way of Magic. In fact its a little harder and more expensive to create a faction that uses powers within the Humanoids for this age. Of course the Occult still can be found within humanoids, and anything you bring with you to from the 1st Age. When it comes to religious types magic, the pragmatism of the Humanoid have led them away from revealed powers to Religious Conviction from leaders to gain bonuses on the tabletop.

     Of course there is also a new Tier in the Humanoids branches, ever pushing the boundaries of morality right up towards and into the Apocalypse. These push the envelope on humanoid advancements into things like cybernetics, robotics, and more but cost additional Progression Levels to take.

The Fey:

     Steeped in magic and energy from beyond reality much technology of the Humanoids are not gained by the Fey. Instead their powers grow, new Spheres appear, and Avatars of the Gods are Created. The heavens beyond reality have fallen into conflict and the Paragons of the Fey strive to achieve unprecedented powers to achieve nothing short of becoming a god.

     New Spheres of Influence have appeared in the path of Light and Darkness. Righteousness and Hatred being the most obvious of these two. These two spheres take zealotry to a new level. Those on the side of Righteousness can easily fall into Hatred allowing models with these spheres to take traits out of both! Of course doing so can lead you astray from your Path blurring the lines of Light and Dark.

     Technology Appears in new ways among the Fey. This is technology focused and powered by the energy of the fey (their own personal energy). Weapons of Light and Darkness (and later of each sphere) appear in the forms of Particle Lance Weapons and Constructs.

     The conflicts of the Fey take it to the next level as they fight each other in this age gaining themselves new bonuses from the battles over each other, even gaining additional powers and traits. 

The Paragons themselves now step up with the ability to create or shape an existing Sphere of Influence. Here they can forge their own reality within their realms to create a new Sphere unique to them and your faction.

     Last that we will discuss here are the Avatars, a new Level 4 Class that focuses in on one aspect of your paragon gaining all their traits and abilities from that sphere to exert the presence of their Paragon in more places. Avatars are powerful vessels that can be fielded autonomously or can even be possessed by the spirit of your Paragon. Interestingly enough you can even field your Paragon in battle AND still posses one or more avatars in battle. 

     That's it for now. We will talk again soon about the other domains and ages that are part of this release. Just because I know you Reptilia players will be asking for more info and can't wait...... You get a new Level 6 Gargantuan Class that even has its own new size category! and shhhh  dont tell anyone but there is also a Level 7 in the 3rd Age!

Keep spreading the word. We have a ways to go yet but are making some excellent progress.