
THE GENESYS PROJECT- The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming

Created by Gary Krieger- Genesys Games

Create your factions in any Age or play a campaign through them all advancing from one age to the next. The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming brings your three ages of gameplay with one Core Rulebook for all ages. The Genesys Project Core Rules The Birth of Genesys- 1st Age: Fantasy Medieval The Revelations of Genesys- 2nd Age: Modern Apocalyptic The Exodus of Genesys- 3rd Age: Far Distant Future Order now to get Kickstarter pricing through Backerkit Learn More at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Apocalypse 2nd Age Expansion is distributed
over 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 11:23:52 PM

The Apocalypse Expansion 2nd Age is out for digital distribution. 

The Apocalypse Expansion to Revelations is a companion to Revelations the 2nd Age. In the 2nd Age in Revelations, the Domains focus more inwards with less access to other Domains. The Apocalypse turns that on its head with new ways to access Branches in other Domains, Create Monsters or Vehicles as classes, and a faster way to progress your faction into the 2nd Age. Progress though comes at your own peril, but as always in The Genesys Project, you are in charge of your fate with options to avoid the Apocalypse even through the use of Diplomacy, and carefully selecting your progress and the close watching of your advancement on the Doomsday Clock.

Remember that we do Dev Sessions on Discord every two weeks and the next one is tomorrow at 9am PST October 29th.  The topic of tomorrows conversation is Revelations of Genesys the 2nd Age with a QnA and talk about the Apocalypse. 

You can join us on Discord

and on our forums at

Update on the Revelations of Genesys 2nd Age Digital Release
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 08:04:07 PM

We were trying to distribute the digital books for the Revelations of Genesys the 2nd Age today but ran into a slight problem. It should be resolved here shortly and the digital release will be sent out asap. The problem was a miscommunication and oversight. Its been corrected, so I am hoping distribution will be back on track for today. Look for another Kickstarter update here for the release or check in with us over Discord. 

Here are some preview images to tide you over for the next few hours.

Revelations Update.
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 04, 2021 at 05:13:21 AM

It has been a little bit since we last updated, but we are about ready to release the 2nd Age, The Revelations of Genesys to backers in digital formats. We are doing this to get the game out to you, as we are working through our delays in getting the 3rd Age wrapped up. 

So what does this mean. 

  • For the Core Rule and 1st Age, if you have not received them digitally, as we have updated them and sent them out to many backers. If you don't have yours, please message me here on Kickstarter or you can email me [email protected]
  • The Revelations of Genesys The 2nd Age is right around the corner and we want to get the digital books out. As we close on this, I expect they will be to you by the 15th of October. Most likely a little bit sooner, as the plan is to start sending these out early next week. So again if you don't receive them by that date, please message me here on Kickstarter, or an email directly to [email protected]
  • The Exodus of Genesys The 3rd Age is delayed and we are pushing to get it ready by the years end. So expect more on this soon. 
  • Hardcover Books: We will be going to print as soon as we both books complete. 

Supplemental digital books as in Faction Packs, Campaigns, Age Expansion books will come out as they are wrapped up for each age. 

You guys are have been fantastic and we appreciate the patience as we work through the delays. We are eager to get products out to you. In the meantime I want to invite you to check out the forums on and head over to our Discord Channel.

Discord Invite:

 We are doing developer chats every two weeks with the next one scheduled for October 15th at 9am PST. Can't make that time? No worries, we have everything in the notes and you can submit questions a week ahead of time on the Genesys Games forums. On Discord there are channels to play games online, playtest rules for feedback, and people there to talk game. 

Updates and Progress, where to Engage
about 3 years ago – Sat, May 01, 2021 at 02:23:09 AM

It has been crazy busy around here and I wanted to give everyone  quick update where we are at. 

On Monday our Infinite Pack backers are getting their first Ruleset to start creating their factions. This is exciting and Im certain they will be on the Genesys Games Forums and/or Discord Channel discussing or posting up some exciting bits or builds they are working on. They are not being prohibited in doing this, only in showing the rules, but discuss away! 

What they are getting is a full ruleset without the artwork and layout. Right now we are a little ahead of schedule for Revelations the 2nd Age and a little behind on Exodus the 3rd Age. A lot of this is simply due to tough scheduling with editors and in-house group here with lock down restrictions always in flux. It makes it and me a little crazy, but with so many exciting things in these books that I can't wait to see what the Infinite Pack backers will be bringing to the books.

We are going to be starting to do more updates and will get to weekly updates soon as we get closer to release dates. I keep hearing a lot of excitement among active players in the forums, discord, and through direct contact which keeps us pretty amped up and working hard on these books to make the best possible. 

So where is the best place to start seeing updates and engage with other players/backers? 


One last thing; If anyone needs to update their address its no problem. Simply get a hold of me through one of the many locations here or even email me directly at [email protected]

Progress is Moving Forward
over 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 08:19:55 AM


We have been moving forward well behind the scenes and are deep in editing (currently we are editing in the Insekts and 3rd Age Armory weapons and equipment). While we have been doing more frequent posts to Facebook I wanted to make certain we contact all of our backers to let them know a few things that are and have been going on. 

There was a slight delay over the last few days while I was in the hospital and recovering from a bad fall in the middle of gooseberry bushes (massive thornbush), but that is in the past now and we are back full steam ahead.


First up we will be wrapping up Backerkit shortly. You will receive a final notice for your orders next week so that we can lock down existing Kickstarter and Backerkit preorders. 


Infinite Pack backers for the 3rd Age will be hearing from me sometime in April so that we can work on getting your faction built. This time around we are specifically making certain that you are getting the final version of the books once we are done editing (sometime in late April for 3rd Age Infinite Pack backers).


We are very busy behind the scenes making certain everything matches up, editing, and even a final round of balancing between the domains. So while this continues we will be sharing  various aspects of the game here, on Facebook, and other places to help spread the word. 

As the 2nd Age is very much through editing, it will be sent to layout soon where we will be adding in additional artwork that has been an ongoing process to collect these last few months. 


Just because to help abate our excitement here. This is a free download for backers from this link. (the image above)


There has also been in interest in an official Discord page because of that interest I will be setting on up later this evening. You can find us here at this link

The channel is currently being set up and we will settle on the design and layout as things get moving. I however plan on being logged in during most work hours and will check the happenings there if you someone wants to chime and talk shop.


I want to let you know that we are still moving ahead full steam and are very much on schedule. Its all good news ahead and we plan on doing an early release of the pdfs that will predate the final version and get these out to everyone. So with that being said I am looking forward to seeing who will be joining us on Discord and what the future brings for the Genesys Project. 

We will talk again in the coming weeks with some previews.