
THE GENESYS PROJECT- The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming

Created by Gary Krieger- Genesys Games

Create your factions in any Age or play a campaign through them all advancing from one age to the next. The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming brings your three ages of gameplay with one Core Rulebook for all ages. The Genesys Project Core Rules The Birth of Genesys- 1st Age: Fantasy Medieval The Revelations of Genesys- 2nd Age: Modern Apocalyptic The Exodus of Genesys- 3rd Age: Far Distant Future Order now to get Kickstarter pricing through Backerkit Learn More at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

HeroPlay Added to the Core Rule Book. V4.3 Available.
3 days ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 08:57:39 PM

A couple days early, but with a few life hiccups posting on the 25th would be problematic. So here it is.

What is HeroPlay? Its a smaller skirmish sets of rules that are focused on individual models instead of squads. There is a lean towards Heroes in this style of game which includes a few minor rule add-ons and a smaller board size that can easily be sized down from a normal board. 

Game size is small, from 100-350pts or so, and not designed to go more than that. These games are perfect for playing squads you are really interested in developing a story with or the development of heroes within your faction. 

This type of play is nice to get a couple quick games in or to play when you just do not have that many models painted up and ready. 

The download link should be arriving momentarily.


Epoch: Core Rules v4.2
about 1 month ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 06:34:40 AM

We sent out a message here on Kickstarter a few minutes back that includes a tested link to download the new Epoch: Core Rules for the Genesys Project. If you were not able to get this, please leave a comment here and we will figure it out for you. Next time around the download will be available on

Some of the main changes you will see are how Armor works, the Combat Situation and how Class level interacts, critical dice/hits, damage, and devastating hits. Also a much more robust set of missions. 

In the future we have a couple updates coming to these rules (add-ons), as we head up to releasing the 1st Age. 

There are a couple sections that tie into the First Age, like factions, and progression awards that will be updated alongside the 1st Age release, as they will make sense at that point and not conflict with the current publications.

Launching Genesys Epoch
about 2 months ago – Tue, May 28, 2024 at 06:05:16 AM

It's time to move forward.

We know we have been remiss and while there is no going back, we are pushing ahead with our plans to release the Genesys Project Epoch first and foremost to those of you that have backed us on Kickststarter or by other means.

We will be releasing what we have been testing and working on for the past couple years+. There be a monthly in a digital release through the scheduled listing with the plans for a special edition release in physical format (for backers only). For those of you coming later, but included for current backers, The Genesys Project will become living rulebook with a method (not released yet) to jump on board.

What is Genesys Epoch?

While silent, work on this project has not stopped (there were a couple extended pauses) and we are excited for just what the new edition will bring to the table. Genesys Epoch is a refining and even more epic version of The Genesys Project which we will be discussing over the next few weeks through until June 20th.

If you are familiar with the game, you will already know just how flexible it is to create your faction in both the first and second ages. What you haven't seen yet is how we have refined and fixed what we considered to be glaring problems through progression and sessions that could become quite unbalanced and unforgiving. Concepts and ideas that were either left out or not in the game have been given a method for inclusion, and we look forward to next several months of getting these out to you.

We know there will be additional questions and concerns. There will be more details coming. is and will be the best location to keep up on seeing the latest news. 

Update on Where we are
11 months ago – Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 06:33:32 AM

I know we have been absent here on Kickstarter providing updates, so I apologize for that. We are still moving forward and are currently testing and updating. So lets take a look at some of what is coming. 

We are currently wrapping up the next edition of The Genesys Project. What is this?

This is an update to the rules blending what changes and updates to the game from comments and discoveries from back to the first release up to what was planned for the near future. The 2nd Edition updates everything from the Core Rules, Birth of Genesys, Revelations, and goes forward with releasing Exodus.  

What this means for backers is that the updated books will get released and published for you. There will be no new Kickstarter launch of the books.  All other releases are on hold until backers get Revelations and Exodus. We are currently working on the release date and will have it available soon. We are looking for a reliable new printer as well for the books and the logistics of bringing the printer closer to where we are for quicker and more efficient shipping to avoid the problems we have experienced in the past there. These are what we are looking for so that we can provide a date. 

If our website is down, which is not currently, we are doing an overhaul and preparing for the next edition of the game to be launched and teased over there. So please take a look over there in the coming week where new members of the team are working. This is where we will be focusing our updates and showing more details and what to expect with the new edition. 

Releases and Updates
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 04:31:18 PM

This Fall is already moving here at Genesys Games and we are looking at quite a bit action. Here is what to expect over the next couple months.

The Exodus of Genesys

We are wrapping up the 3rd Edition book and plan on having the digital version in your hands in the next few months around years end. This comes along with a major update to already released books and makes certain that all the books will be on par at the same level for the release. The digital release of the 3rd Age will be a precourser check for backers and preorders to prepare for the physical books that will be printed and shipped out to both backers and to fill preorders.

Revelations of Genesys

The 2nd Age is getting a full update as well. We will releasing what this means over the next few months, but it will progress as well alongside the Exodus of Genesys with the fully printed books being ready to go alongside the Exodus of Genesys.

The Birth of Genesys and Core Rules v1.5

Both of these books are getting updated! What this means for you is that both of these books will be updated, printed, and shipped out alongside Exodus and Revelations. 

Backers of the Genesys Project

It is important to us that all 4 books work well together and with it being a good couple years since the first release we only saw two options, a big faq update for existing books or an new edition release to make certain all of the game works seemlessly together. So we have been working on both.... A faq for players that have both books already and an updated and printed version 1.5 for the Core Rules and 1st Age book. 

For backers this means that if you are a current Kickstarter member of Revelations and Exodus, you will be receiving all 4 books. We have done this simply because the game is asking for an update and instead of working towards a new edition, we many months ago began testing and pushing into what we felt were missing or needed revising for the current edition of the game and what was important for the 2nd and 3rd Age to launch with success.

So both the 2nd and 3rd Age are coming soon, and the previous released books are getting updates. We will be going into more details soon along with examples of what will be included. So stay tuned for more information.