
THE GENESYS PROJECT- The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming

Created by Gary Krieger- Genesys Games

Create your factions in any Age or play a campaign through them all advancing from one age to the next. The Next Age in Tabletop Wargaming brings your three ages of gameplay with one Core Rulebook for all ages. The Genesys Project Core Rules The Birth of Genesys- 1st Age: Fantasy Medieval The Revelations of Genesys- 2nd Age: Modern Apocalyptic The Exodus of Genesys- 3rd Age: Far Distant Future Order now to get Kickstarter pricing through Backerkit Learn More at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Final Couple Days!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 09, 2020 at 02:50:56 PM

The Final Couple Days are here and we have achieved our First Stretch Goal and with others just right around the corner to give those of you that pledged Faction Packs, Expansions, and Campaigns for each Age. 

What can we achieve in the final 2 Days?

We need your help to make our final push!

We don't have much time left, but we need everyone to join us in our final push to be able to bring to you all the stretch goals we're showing! We're confident your help can get us several of the listed stretch goals by sharing the campaign everywhere you can.

The stretch goals offered will be available for free during this Kickstarter Event as we reach them, but will only be available as add-ons or separate products after the event. We would prefer to get you as much as possible as stretch goals. 

Getting a Jump on The Genesys Project

To help jump start you into the game we are putting together overviews that are free to download for each book. This will give you the insight on how the game is played, how to build factions in each age, and help inspire you to create and progress your factions through the Ages. 

The first one is here:

You can now also find the Overview on under downloads and on the online store. Spread the word, and lets have an exciting conclusion to the Revelations and Exodus event.

Thank you all so much for your support!

Stretch Goal Acquired! Confrontations
over 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 08, 2020 at 02:27:24 PM

Our first Stretch Goal was just hit and we are headed towards more as we approach the last few days of the Kickstarter Event. We are not that far off from the next one with additional factions for the 3rd Age! Additional stretch goals if we reach them have more additional products for all Pledge Levels. 

Im excited for Confrontations as there are some amazing factions in it for each Domain to really showcase the 2nd Age. Fully Armored Companies of vehicles and tanks as well as an Enchanted Fey faction that literally brings the terrain to life! Other factions include Steampunk, gang-like mercenaries, Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland Warriors, and the King of Monsters (a Level 6 Class Dai-Kaiju), there are 8 new pre-built factions in this supplement to bring your 2nd Age games to life. 

While the stretch goals are offering additional free products during the event, if someone misses out on the Kickstarter these will be available separately after the event.

There is a little over 3 days left, so help spread the word to see how far we will go in the final days of the Kickstarter.

We are on our last week of the Kickstarter: Creating your Faction Preview
over 3 years ago – Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 02:38:56 PM

We are on our final week of our Kickstarter Event, so its a good time to spread the word, share, and reach towards our stretch goals that are but a breathe away!

There are many new people getting their first look at The Genesys Project and with that here is a look at how you can create and customize your faction for the game.

The Genesys Project allows you to create and customize your Factions and Equipment. This gives you a great and amazing opportunity to play as you think you faction should be played. Use the miniatures that you already own and create a faction for them.

There are 3 Ages of Gameplay to create your faction. Create in any of the three or play from one age to another! The game allows you to progress your faction as you play to create a grant narrative and story around your friends and fellow gamers that is yours to create.

So how is this done?


When you create a faction you will be selecting from one of 5 Domains of Life. Each Domain builds their faction in a different manner and begins with their own starting characteristics. Each one also has its own set of Classes from which you will fill out the types of models you will be fielding in your faction.

See the image for the Domains- BTW each of the artwork below is from a backer creating their own faction that went into the Core Rule book for the Birth of Genesys Kickstarter.


When you create your faction you get a set of starting characteristics and a number traits you will be able to select. The number of traits you will be selecting from is quite diverse and truly very few factions end up even close to the same. While it seems like there would be more popular traits and directions to take, there just is not. In the years working on this game, I have not yet seen two builds the same.

Traits: Each trait contains both a point cost and a set of abilities that you get for the taking the trait. The total number of traits a model has gives them a total point cost for each model. Obviously the more traits you have the more advanced your faction is, but also the more expensive the point cost is.

  • Faction Traits: When creating your faction, Faction Traits selected apply to your entire faction!
  • Class Traits: These are selected when creating your classes and only apply to your Class. These are your specialist with often different roles on the battlefield.

Abilities: Abilities give you special rules for your models and each trait often contains one or more abilities within them. An example of an ability would be "Increase Strength 2". This would raise your Strength characteristic by 2!

Evolutionary Branches: There are many categories of Traits to select from. Each category has a number of traits broken down into Tiers. For most Domains, taking a Tier 1 trait has no prerequisites but to take a Tier 2 Trait you must have a Tier 1 trait within the same branch.

See the picture from the Birth of Genesys 1st Age to see how branches of traits look.


After creating your faction its time to create a starting set of classes. These Classes range in Levels 1-5 and come with their own optional bonuses and a number of Class Traits that they can select. This can include bonuses to characteristics, additional trait options, and so much more. The higher the point level of the game the higher level of classes that may join.

It is here when creating your classes that you customize your classes with abilities for your equipment, vehicles, monsters, spells, etc. You might create a class that can take to the air, burrow under the battlefield, artillery, melee combat specialists, and so much more. In Revelations and Exodus additional classes even include Vehicle Classes and Specialized Monster Classes.


We have a wide array of faction sheets for you to download for free on The fun part is that these are extensive enough that you can create your own armybook! There are forms for you to print that you can fill in on your own, or a fillable pdf to make your armybook more formatted. You can even select a picture of your miniatures for the class and insert them with an easy click and load for your faction and classes!

See the image for an example of a faction on these sheets!


After each game progression awards are given which allow you to create new classes, gain new Traits and Abilities for a class or your faction to advance them forward. In this way you can adjust your faction as you play! In many games in house this included a sort of an arms race, with both sides creating new methods to dominate the others and their responses to their opponents tactics and builds. It creates an amazing narrative that can take on many different forms.

For Example: One of our local playtesters after several tough games developed several classes that use long Pikes to defeat the melee classes and cavalry that were doing very well against him in games. This worked amazingly well for him and our reptilia player who had multi-limbed Nagas as his shock troops lost his front line rather quickly the first time he was countered with the heavily armored and equipped pikemen.

This led quickly to a new spell power for the Reptilia player, developing a teleporting power to jump the Nagas in close to the pikemen and take away their reach advantage.

In response the pikemen suddenly became a liability for their point costs and Defensive shieldmen and Scorpios were soon on the table to counter the Nagas. This again led to the first Basilisk Monsters with a thick hide and petrification for the Reptilia player and the arms race continued between both players for many months as their forces progressed, heroes were created, and the battles intensified.

Gameplay Mechanics for The Genesys Project
over 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 05, 2020 at 02:45:06 PM

While learning a new tabletop game can be difficult the first time in, I wanted to jump in and show just how The Genesys Project handles game play mechanic! While many of you know this already there are enough new people here (or those of us still under lockdown hoping to play someday).

Lets jump right in.


The consists of 6 Game Rounds with an optional End Game element that can take the game into Rounds 7-10. In the event a game is close or your mission just needs another round you may can select any model still alive on the board to push the game using it's Command Characteristic (which is normally around 2-4 depending but could be higher) and roll a die adding to the Command of the model. If the result is equal or higher than the game round you want to take the game into, the game continues.

Yea, if the game is tight killing commanders is important. With tons of games played during the years playtesting we had only a single game reach Round 10. By then very little was left alive and they were fast and furious rounds of scrambling for our mission goals. Most often games are decided in 6, but Round 7 does occur.


Players alternate Player Turns during each round activating a number of squads equal to their Command Value (which is based on that Command Characteristic). This continues back and forth until each player has activated all the squads on the table.


Each squad may be activated once during a game round and consists of a Movement and an Action.

Movement is based upon your Movement Characteristic and all Characteristics are based on a 1-6, (mostly 2-4) with 3 being the most common Movement starting characteristic. You may move up to x3 movement but may also use your action to get another base movement out of your activation.

Actions most of the time involve Combat or other important activities. You may only have a single Action during your game round, and if you use it and are then later attacked you are considered exhausted. So only spend them when needed.

Reactionary Activations: You may once per opponents player activation do a reactionary activation. This interrupts gameplay, takes up one of your upcoming player turn activations and lowers your characteristic by 1. So if you were shooting at someone with a reactionary activation your Ranged Characteristic would be lowered by 1

Who Goes First in the Following Game Round? If you finish all your activations before your opponent you have the iniatitive for the next game round and go first! Your opponent can challenge that, but unless they are good at challenging or things are desperate the penalty for failure is a loss of Command Value for the Game Round.

Note that if you are loosing squads quickly to your opponent...... there is an excellent chance you will be going first next game round and can possibly change the course of the battle!


There are two types of Combat, Ranged and Melee which both work in the mostly the same manner except that in melee your opponent can choose to activate and fight back!

To hit someone in combat your roll a die and add your Martial or Ranged characteristic to it. If that number hits your opponents Target Number you hit them and they must save against it!

So if I had a Ranged Skill of 3 and roll a 5 on a die the total is 8. If my target has a Ranged Target Number of 7 I hit!

Now my target gets to save against the attack. My opponent rolls a d6 and must equal the total number I rolled when I hit them with my attack.

So in the above example my total was a 7. If my target has a Toughness of 4 he must roll to equal or beat that number (7) or take a wound.

If the number is too high that I cannot save on a d6 then the hit is a critical! Critical hits do additional damage and there is no save!


In The Genesys Project all your situational modifiers are front loaded into what we call The Combat Situation. Before you roll to hit someone in combat both you and your opponent must combine any enhancements you have and compare them to each other to see which side has the advantage.

For example

  • My ranged attackers are sitting on high ground and are stationary giving me a total of +2 Enhancements.
  • My opponent who is moving quickly but is otherwise in the open has a +1 Enhancement for movement.
  • This would give me a +1 advantage and that +1 is added to my die rolls to hit.

If my opponent had the advantage his bonuses would apply to his save against the hit!

Combat Situations are intuitive and come from the battlefield around you or from special traits and abilities. Here is an image on the possible Enhancements you can get from the Combat Situation.

Some special notes on these. While each bonus is generally 1, they can be higher than that. For example moving really fast may give you a +2 movement bonus. Soft Cover grants a +1 while hard cover a +2 Defensive bonus. These become very intuitive after doing them for a couple rounds of gameplay and are quickly calculated.

Charging into melee combat. You maintain your movement bonus through to your next activation. This means that if you are charging across the battlefield you maintain your charging bonus, even if its your opponents player turn and they charge into you! Both sides charging into each other for melee combat!

I hope that gives you a quick rundown of gameplay.

One Week Left! Vehicles and Equipment of the 3rd Age
over 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 05, 2020 at 02:18:23 PM

There is just one week left for The Revelations and Exodus Kickstarter Event. We are approaching stretch goals and cannot wait to share with you what we have in store for your gaming experience!

 If you are getting this through email, please join us here:



There is nothing like the equipment and vehicle in Exodus the Third Age. I wanted to touch briefly on this for many of you that do not follow us on Facebook and then add some additional things for those that do.

Behind everything in here there are options and customization that can be added to gear and vehicles and that includes Living Constructs and Bio-Armor. This means that while in many games you see different types of Powered Armor and Exoskeleton Suits that might have options for you, but in The Genesys Project you get to create and customize your own to make it your own.

What is the difference between Bio-Armor and other Armors? Instead of upgrades Living Armor and Constructs can gain traits. This provides you with an amazing number of options you can use, and to possible to evolve them!

Body Armor and Powered Armor. While there are a great range of Armors in the 3rd Age, powered armor is where its at especially for humanoids. Powered Armor gives you an amazing range of possibilities from flight packs, AI Multi-Targeting Systems, Enhanced Communication and Optic Overlays, and so much more. If you ever wondered what kind of systems you would love to see in powered armor, this is your chance. There are different sizes as well from Light Recon suits, to the Heavy Tactical Armor for front line fighting. Its all there.

Battlesuits and Mechs! Take your fighting to the next level with Walkers. Battlesuits are essentially smaller single piloted mechs that are on par with Heavy Tactical Armor (and light vehicles for that matter), but are Mechs with a plethora of Mech upgrades options. Not to mention you take damage as a vehicle instead of wounds when wearing armor.

Mechs are a massive powerhouse on the tabletop. A little expensive, but especially with Cybernetics Enhancements your Pilots handling multiple core systems, your pilots will be amazing on the field! Dual Armature Weapons, Melee Attachments, or even just Neuro-Mechanical Arms to equip a variety of weapons is possible.

Vehicles are also a mainstay of your armies in the 3rd Age, with Anti-Grav Fields, Electro-Armor Plating, and enough options to field and upgrade your 3rd Age Tanks. So whether you are slugging across the ground in more traditional Tanks and APCs, Hovering, or Flying above the battlefield vehicles will allow you to put just about anything in your imagination on the tabletop. 

Just a fun side note...... One of our playtesters put together a Biest Pirate List that focuses on large fast moving vehicles meant to ram enemy tanks and trample infantry positions. The biests inside then jump out to hack and slash everyone. Imagine a heavily plate armored Semi-Truck loaded with pintle mounted machine guns and howling biest warriors. Knowing him, I will be on the brunt end of his first person to person battle with the faction. (we are on lock down right now). 

We will be sharing some of these and other builds as time goes by.